



买足彩app平台 places a great deal of importance on the appropriateness of a candidate’s total application, 每个年级和宿舍的空缺人数, and in ensuring a good fit between the applicant and students who are currently enrolled.

Riverview has a long standing commitment to neurodiversity and continues to enroll students who are neurodivergent. Our curriculum supports a variety of children and young adults who learn differently.

If your child meets the following criteria, they may be a candidate for Riverview:

  • 被描述为温柔、友好、善良和天真 

  • 诊断为语言、学习和认知障碍

  • Desires to make friends and is interested in forming relationships with others

  • Seeks 社会 and extracurriculuar opportunities such as playing on sports teams, 参加舞蹈, 参与戏剧, 音乐, 艺术与学生会

  • 对有组织的、支持性的、可预测的环境反应良好

  • 能够在学术环境中取得更大的成功

  • 是否已掌握基本的日常生活技巧及个人卫生及自我护理

  • 轻微的医疗问题使日常活动复杂化,但不会影响日常活动

  • IQ and Achievement scores between 65–90 or functional abilities within that range (many times there is great variability)

请注意: 学生们正在展示一段情感的历史, 行为, 精神疾病, 或者需要一个治疗环境, 不能被考虑吗.

If you feel Riverview may be appropriate for your child, please fill out the 调查形式 如果有任何问题,请打电话给我们.


请花一点时间填写一张表格 调查形式.

在收到, one of our admissions representatives will get in touch with you to learn more about your child and determine next steps.



  • 填妥的申请表格

  • 最新的IEP和进度报告

  • 神经心理学报告(智商和成就测试)

  • 成绩单

  • 生活技能简介

  • 服务报告(PT, OT, S/L等). 如适用)

  • 营地报告(如适用)


一旦收到并审核文件, an 招生助理 will contact you within 7-10 days with information regarding next steps. 在此期间, part of the process is to reach out to professionals you have listed who know your child best. If we feel that we may be able to meet your child’s needs, the next step is a Zoom Interview.


Yes – the interview is typi呼叫y about an hour and is done via Microsoft Teams. We have found that these meetings are better for your child in the mornings rather than after a full day of school, 因此,我们要求您在找到合适的时间时记住这一点. 父母一般都在旁边,以防孩子“卡住”。. The conversation is very casual and questions include information about daily schedules, 的饮食习惯, 喜欢和不喜欢等. 也有机会让孩子问问题. 面试在周一至周五上午进行.


We suggest that you and your child visit our website and take the 虚拟之旅 together. This helps them get a visual of our campus and may prompt them to come up with questions to ask during the interview. 采访将是南希·霍普金斯, 招生主任, 和劳伦·斯宾塞, 招生助理.


Once your child has been interviewed and 招生 and families agree to proceed to the next step, 您的孩子将被邀请参加校园参观. If applying to the Day program, your child will visit for two days (consecutively). If applying to the Boarding program, your child will visit for three days (consecutively). These visits are intended for your child to immerse themselves in our program. 访问s are scheduled Monday through Friday and begin with a campus tour for you and your child.


学术日的着装要求要求衣着整洁, 不穿带有亵渎或攻击性语言的衣服, 不穿睡衣, 睡衣, 或者过度撕裂的衣服. 鞋子必须是低跟的,并且脚要牢固. 服装必须与天气相适应. 

访问ing students should bring a change of clothes for gym and/or afternoon activities (e.g.(运动裤、短裤、运动鞋). 他们可以带手机, but they are to be kept in their backpack or coat pocket and shut off during the school day (this does not apply to GROW visitors). A time will be scheduled for 呼叫s home for middle, high school, and GROW students.


After the tour has concluded, you will meet with a member of the 招生 team. 如果每个人都感到舒适和一致, your child will start the visit and participate in the program they have applied to. 家人会说再见,离开校园. 参观和会议大约需要一个半小时. Families will be asked to pick up their child at the agreed-upon time at the end of the visit. 


The academic and residential team collects information from your child’s visit. 这些信息由招生委员会审查, and a decision regarding acceptance is usually made within a week of the visit. 招生团队将在决定后24小时内与您联系.




药物是通过卫生保健中心登记的. Students will visit the health care office for medication(s) if needed while on campus.



他们温柔、友好、善良. 他们想在课堂上取得成功, 有朋友, 做运动, 去跳舞, 学会独立.


你将被分到历史课之类的班级, 数学, 阅读, 写作, 和你年级的学生一起选修课程. We will not be testing you; we encourage you to participate in class if you are comfortable. 在你到达之前,我们会给你一份你的日程安排.



  • 早上的日程安排,学校的日程安排,家庭作业,课外活动等.

  • responsibilities at home such as chores, room care, cooking, laundry, pets, work experience, etc.

  • 你的朋友,兴趣,周末活动,还有你喜欢吃什么.

  • 当你在家里或学校感到压力或沮丧时使用的策略.

  • 科技(手机、社交媒体和互联网)




在初中和高中, we offer a variety of nutritious foods at each meal to appeal to all teenagers. 早餐, 午餐, 晚餐在我们的餐厅供应, 哪里有沙拉吧, 新鲜的水果, 除了正餐之外,还可以选择自制汤.

在GROW过渡计划中, 学生们准备自己的早餐, 在Hunter Commons校园吃午餐, 在他们的宿舍里以小组的形式准备晚餐.


我们鼓励您在访问期间与家人保持联系. Cell phones are allowed on campus but must be kept in the student's backpack or coat pocket and shut off during the school day (this does not apply to GROW visitors). There will be time scheduled for 呼叫s home for middle, high school, and GROW students.


No. 来访学生不布置家庭作业.



现场资讯讲座 是在星期五上午9时至11时30分举行吗. 专为家长和专业人士, 招生人员欢迎访客到我们的校园, 并向客人介绍我们的中心 & 高中 (grades 6-12) and GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) 转换程序 in a presentation, 后面跟着一个Q&会议和校园参观.

买足彩app平台 每周三下午4点开始.m. 至下午5时.m. 专为家长和专业人士, 招生人员欢迎访客到我们的虚拟校园, 并向客人介绍我们的中心 & 高中 (grades 6-12) and GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) 转换程序 in a presentation, 后面跟着一个Q&一个会话.

注意:如果你正在寻找的日期是不可用的形式, 该时段已满,请选择其他日期


看看我们最新的 河景校园导览 招生助理劳伦·斯宾塞.



买足彩app平台致力于 支持学生、家长和家庭. Please reach out to our 招生 Office with questions about the admissions process, Riverview是否适合你的学生, 或者其他任何问题.


电话: 508-888-0489

电子mail: admissions@keramicke-plocice.net

了解更多: For information about applying to Riverview, contact our admissions team or fill out an 调查形式.



程序 学费 存款
学年(日)- 2024/2025 $63,501 $7,000
学年(住宿)- 2024/2025 $109,473 $10,000
夏季(白天)- 2024年 $6,814 $2,500
夏季(住宅)- 2024年 $11,170 $3,000


Riverview utilizes the School and Student Service for Financial Aid in Randolph, MA, 在经济援助申请分析中. 虽然援助计划是适度的, it does provide some assistance to those families who demonstrate clear financial need. 获取有关经济援助的信息, 贷款项目,或者你的孩子是否接受了第三方资助, 请联系理查德·达尔林普尔, 财务总监, at rdalrymple@keramicke-plocice.net or 508-888-0489 ext 214.

对我们大多数家庭来说, 河景的学费, 费用及相关费用, 比如交通, 作为医疗费用可以全额免税吗. This reduces the effective cost to families by thousands of dollars each year. 个别情况会有所不同, 因此,请咨询您的个人税务顾问有关扣除.


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 contains a provision that allows use of Section 529 savings to pay for private K–12 education up to $10,000元/年, 每个孩子从2018年开始. Establishing and funding a Section 529 plan can provide significant tax benefits. 更多信息请咨询您的投资顾问和会计.
